My way of choosing the secretarys: REAL advocates, NOT just industry talking heads. Secretary of State: Colin Powell Secretary of the Treasury: Warren Buffett or Paul Volcker Secretary of Defense: Sam Nunn, retired senator from GA Attorney General: Ken Salazar, house of representatives, former state Attorney General Secretary of the Interior: Laurence Tribe, Harvard Secretary of Agriculture: Can't it be merged with Interior? Michael Boehlje, Perdue University Secretary of Commerce: Warren Buffett or Paul Volcker Secretary of Labor: James P. Hoffa (Jimmy Hoffa's son) This one could be fun to watch Secretary of Health and Human Services: Sanjay Gupta, MD, CNN or maybe somebody from National Physicians Alliance board Secretary of HUD: Donald Trump Secretary of Transportation: David G. Mongan, President, .American Society of Civil Engineers Secretary of Energy: T. Boone Pickens Secretary of Education: Paul Reville, Massachusetts Secretary Of Education (his own kids are in public schools, unlike most SOEs) Secretary of Veterans Affairs: James Peake Secretary of Homeland Security: Fido. Disband this ineffective, totally politicized and massively expensive department and place its responsibilities back into the CIA, FBI, Dept. of Justice, and various other areas where they should have been left in the first place. I would be interested in criticisms and comments; none of my choices is exactly orthodox, some of them are Republicans, and a few hate each other passionately. What do you think?